Campus Connections 2022 Videos
For Teenagers who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing looking to succeed in education and the workplace after high school.

Unconventional Approaches to Education with Greg Bland, MPA
Greg Bland, MPA shared his insights navigating the college experience and points out the different paths individuals can take to become successful.
College Debt
Job Pay
It's Not Your Fault
Money Strategies
College Prep
Finding Success
Framing Strategies
Self Awareness
Academic Strategies
Engaging with Faculty
Self Advocacy
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Mentor Panel
In addition to Greg Bland, three deaf and hard of hearing individuals shared their experiences
Brian Kelly
Brian Evenstad
Hannah Crites
Greg Bland
Professional Panel
Professionals shared their experiences and advice supporting deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the transition process.
Samantha Gartrell,
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Jordan Griffin,
CU Boulder Disability Services Office
Heather Hapke,
Rocky Mountain Deaf School
Dr. Sandra Abbott Gabbard,
Marion Downs Center
Chelsea Lee
Denver Office of Sign Language Services
Thank you to our partners!