Marion Downs Center presents at EHDI 2024

Three people standing in front of a screen
Dr. Sandra Abbott Gabbard , Aaron Rose , and Eva Watson gave a presentation on KidScreen at the annual EHDI (Early Hearing Detection & Intervention) conference in Denver.
Dr. Gabbard provided a historical overview of KidScreen and the background in providing services for early headstart/headstart programs and private daycare and preschools.
Eva described our hearing screenings and takeaways from the screening data. Aaron provided context in coordinating and administering the KidScreen program from planning screenings to sharing reports.
EHDI Annual Conference brings together different disciplines in the area of deafness and hearing loss for collaboration, education, and engagement.
The Marion Downs Center is grateful for the opportunity to share our perspectives on providing hearing, vision, and speech/language screenings in the Denver metro area.