Back to School Checklist for Students with Hearing Technology

Back to School Checklist

As the school year approaches, it’s time to get ready for a fresh start! For families with children using hearing technology, ensuring that everything is in top shape will help make the transition back to school smooth and successful. Here’s your comprehensive checklist to prepare your child with hearing technology for the school year:

  1. Cochlear Implant/Hearing Aid Check-Up

Start the school year off right by scheduling a thorough check-up for your child's cochlear implant or hearing aids. Regular maintenance ensures optimal performance and addresses any issues before they become problems. Contact your audiologist or hearing specialist to arrange an appointment if you haven’t done so recently.

  1. FAQ Sheet Preparation

Create or update an FAQ sheet detailing important information about your child's hearing device(s). This document should include:

  • Device Functionality: How the hearing aid or cochlear implant works.
  • Troubleshooting Tips: Common issues and solutions.
  • Emergency Contacts: Who to reach out to if problems arise.

Distribute this FAQ sheet to your child’s teachers and school nurse to ensure they are informed and prepared to assist if needed.

  1. Inquiry About Hearing Assistive Technology

Ask the school about any available hearing assistive technology (HAT) that could support your child in the classroom. This may include:

  • FM Systems: Wireless systems that help the teacher’s voice come through more clearly.
  • Infrared Systems: For clear sound in group settings.
  • Soundfield Systems: Enhancing audio throughout the classroom.

Ensure that these systems are in place and functioning properly before school starts.

  1. Backpack Supplies Check

Equip your child’s backpack with all necessary hearing technology supplies, including:

  • Extra Batteries: Keep a stock of batteries to avoid any interruptions in your child's hearing experience.
  • Cleaning Supplies: Maintain hygiene and performance with appropriate cleaning tools.
  • Labeled Case: Use a designated, labeled case to organize and protect hearing technology items. This helps avoid misplacement and keeps everything in one spot.
  1. Review Documentation for Accommodations

Review any documentation related to accommodations or specialized services your child is entitled to. This might include:

  • IEP or 504 Plans: Ensure any specific needs related to hearing technology are documented.
  • Specialized Services: Confirm that services such as sign language interpreters or note-takers are arranged.

Share this documentation with the school’s special education coordinator to make sure that all necessary supports are in place.

With these steps, you'll help ensure that your child’s hearing technology is in optimal condition, their school environment is supportive, and they are ready to tackle the new academic year with confidence. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to your audiologist or school support staff.

Click here to request an appointment