Noise and Hearing Loss in Children & Teens

Child Getting Tested

Facts about Hearing Loss

Over 36 million Americans report some degree of hearing loss. Of these, 80% have irreversible damage. Hearing loss is invisible, but can highly
impact quality of life and cognition. Individuals may be born with hearing loss, acquire it at a young age, or develop it over many years. For those who develop hearing loss over time, they may not realize it is happening. It is often someone close to the person who notices first.

Exposure to loud sounds can cause permanent physical damage to hearing. You cannot see or feel the damage from noise. Shearing forces caused by loud sounds cause damage to delicate inner ear hair cells. This damage is 100% preventable and can occur at any age. Research suggests that Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is occuring at younger ages and with more frequency.

Noise levels of some toys and children’s activities are loud enough to cause hearing loss. Noise can damage hearing with long-term exposure to sound levels at or above 85dB SPL (typical lawnmower loudness). Even brief exposure to very loud sounds can result in permanent hearing loss.

Levels of Harmful Noise Exposure


Preventing Noise Damage

Monitor the noise levels in a child’s environment. You should not have to shout to get a child’s attention.Purchase personal stereos with volume limiters.
Listen to toys prior to purchase. Consult safety resources such as
Ask for the volume to be lowered at video arcades, dances, and other public places
Limit the time your child spends in noisy places.
Provide ear plugs or earmuffs sized for your child’s ear when the noise cannot be reduced.
Be a good role model - use hearing protection yourself when noise cannot be reduced.
Make sure your child’s school has a hearing loss prevention program for music, shop, and other noisy classes.
Test your child’s hearing yearly if they participate in noisy activities or you suspect a change in hearing ability.
Be aware of hearing loss warning signs such as ringing in the ears, speech sounding muffled and difficult to understand, or temporary hearing difficulty after a noisy activity.

Audiology Services at the Marion Downs Center

The Marion Downs Center provides comprehensive management of hearing loss in children. Each child’s hearing needs are thoroughly evaluated by an audiologist. Information and choices are given to parents to implement a comprehensive plan. Contact us today to request audiology services.

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